Info about:

Spedia is the best and the safest way to make money for surfing.
It works! You will get about 50 cents per hour for advertisements showing
on small banner on your screen.
There is no limit of hours per month!
Checks are sent when you make at least 30 dollars.
More information here.
You can try it.
Registration here.
About is official product of Spedia.net and About.com, so there are the same conditions as at Spedia.
You can register at both Spedia and About, but you cannot run About bar and SpediaBar simultaneously.
See information about About.
Very good - GetPaid4 pays about 50 cents per hour. You don't have to surf,
you must just be connected to internet! You can work in any program with small banner running.
You have to move your mouse.
Checks are sent after making 15 dollars to whole world.
They pay up to 7th level of referrals.
They also pay for receiving e-mails and SMS.
You have to click on 0.5 - 5 % of advertisements.
More information.
You don't have to actively browse, you just have to be connected to internet. You don't
have to install or download anything. You just open browser at www.clickdough.com and
then click 'open my personal window'. The small window will appear. In this window you
will see commercials.
There are 8 levels of referrals (10%, 5%, 2.5%, 2.5%, 2.5%, 2.5%, 2.5%, 2.5%).
If you fill in the form about your interests, you become Premium Member. Then you get more
money than Regular Member. Currently they pay Premium Member for first two hours a day
12 cents per hour.
The rest of hours and all of hours if you are Regular Member you get 2 cents per hour.
About every 20 minutes you have to click the right number on banner.
Minimum for check is 20 dollars.Registration.
Cashsurfers is well known American company which pays 20-25 cents per hour.
Minimum for check is 40 dollars.
There are 4 levels of referrals - 10%, 10%, 10%, 10%.
You don't have to actively browse. It's certain way of making money.
Registration - do not delete sponsor number,
you would not get points for registration.
They don't pay for surfing yet, just for registration and getting referrals.
Later, you will be able to buy goods in their shopping center.
Just for your registration you get 12.50$, and for every referral you get another 12.50$ !!!
And right now there is a special offer - for every referral you get special bonus - 25$, so you get 37.5$ for
every man, you persuade.